​​Become a Member

If you wish to become a new member of our club, you must complete a membership application form and submit it to us along with payment.  This can be done at our monthly meetings in Ardrossan , at our annual tractor pull and show, or it can be done by postal mail.  Once you are a member, you will be contacted each spring with regards to renewing your membership.  No paperwork is involved with renewing, a simple payment is all that is needed at that time. 

If you wish to become a new member and cannot attend a meeting to get that done, click on the  POSTAL MEMBERSHIP FORM button below for a printable form.  Send the completed form to the address on the form along with a cheque ($35 adult or $15 junior) to cover your membership cost.  It's that simple and we will contact you once we receive your application.


NOTE: Our club's general meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of  the month from March to October at the Ardrossan Memorial Hall which is east of the Ardrossan Rec Center on RR 222.

Start time is 7:00 PM.  No General Meetings in November, December, January, or February unless advised otherwise.  

*Click for (map).

Any questions? 

Email Mike: mike1946@telus.net 

Phone Mike: 780-467-6973

Strathcona Vintage Tractor Association